Cranberries! Photo by The Adventures of Tehya
Hellooo, I'm Christie. I'm beginning this blog because I have so many things in life that I enjoy,
and I need a place to write them out and spread the enjoyment. You'll see mostly artsy things, but
I'll share real life things as well, like this first post. I also love to cook, so when I make yummy discoveries I'll be telling you about my kitchen accomplishments.
I live in Atlanta with my wonderful husband. Sounds a bit cliché doesn't it? Well.. what can I
say. My husband really is wonderful. He takes great care of me, especially in putting up with my
quirks. Which are many let me assure you. He's handsome too, oh my yes.
I'm using the name A Cranberry Day partly because some of my favorite childhood memories
include visits to my Grandparents in Massachusetts. I love New England, especially the sea shore. Cape Cod is so beautiful. Sometimes we would drive out to see the cranberry bogs. I loved to see all the berries floating in the water, among gorgeous landscapes. I also love eating dried cranberries (the kind without sugar, with their natural bit of sourness are the best!) I crave cranberry muffins, cranberries are great on spinach salad with yummy soft cheese... And best of all, cranberries are so good for you.
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See? Lovely floating cranberries. By Buchanan Imagery
Looking at these pictures brings back all sorts of memories. Mostly of my grandmother. She
was beautiful, and she loved all of us. She had a close friend who sold Avon, so she had lots
of little soap samples. She kept them in a small cabinet under the bathroom sink, and I loved
how they smelled. She kept an entire jar full of buttons, and small decorative plates were found
throughout their house. Many she kept on the window sills, and I loved how the light shone
through them. Some of them were based on the stories of Thorton Burgess, which my Grandfather used to read to us. When we lived far away, he would record them on audio tapes and we'd listen to them as bedtime stories. Here's one of the plates, this color was one of my favorites-
I love this painting of a Cape Cod lighthouse.
So, there you have it. My blogging beginning.
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